Categories: Education

Women’s Complaints About Penile Implant

Penile implants are medical devices used to treat erectile dysfunction. Additionally, they may help treat Peyronie’s disease, ischemic priapism, and deformities of the penis; gender-affirming surgery also utilizes them.

Women involved with men who have penile implants often report discomfort in their intimate relationships. Open communication, alternative sexual techniques, and therapy may provide effective solutions to resolve such issues.

Discomfort during sexual intercourse

Penile implants can make a dramatic improvement in sexual functioning for people suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). They’re generally safe and effective treatments, often outshone even PDE5 inhibitors such as Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis when it comes to efficacy; in fact, they have one of the highest satisfaction rates among ED treatments; both men and women use them with equal results; although they may cause discomfort.

If you are contemplating penile implants for ED, it is wise to speak to a healthcare provider first about your options. Your healthcare provider will ask questions about your history of ED as well as general health. They may check blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. Afterward, they will outline the pros and cons associated with each type of implant before providing advice about its usage.

Penile implants usually consist of one or two inflatable silicone tubes surgically implanted inside the penis and activated via an invisible pump in the scrotum. When activated, inflating these tubes causes your penis to rigidify similar to a natural erection and mimicking it closely. Once you are finished with your procedure, simply press again on each inflatable tube until all are drained – no aftercare needed!

Patients using penile implants have reported discomfort when engaging in sexual intercourse; however, this usually subsides after several weeks. Some physicians advise wearing soft underwear that will ease the pressure off of the scrotum and avoid taking medications that increase bleeding risk near an incision site.

There are various designs of penile implants, from inflatable and semi-rigid devices to more flexible options like inflatable models. There are even implants specially tailored for short penis length or those who have larger than average bodies – or any number of other situations where your penile implant might come in handy!

Penile implants often don’t feel like real erections due to not stiffening up when you get an erection; however, most people report that sex remains comfortable even after receiving one.

Reduced sensation

Penile implants are medical devices surgically placed within the penis to treat erectile dysfunction, though these devices may create issues within intimate relationships of women who share them. Couples can resolve such conflicts through open dialogue, exploring alternative remedies, and seeking therapy as treatments.

Penile Implants Can Reduce Sensation

How well penile implants work depends on their type, with three main options being semi-rigid, inflatable, and hydraulic implants. Each has different components that contribute to its effectiveness: two bendable rods made of silicone or other flexible materials are inserted into your penis before sexual activity starts; these rods can then be bent into different positions for sexual engagement. Inflatable and hydraulic implants contain pumps connected to reservoirs under the loose skin of your scrotum so it can activate when sexual tension builds; however, over time these pumps wear out or leak; while medications will no longer work effectively over time either – two options exist that work regardless of implant type/type combination!

Survey results conducted among patients and urologists suggest that patients who had lower preoperative expectations were more satisfied post-implant, including its natural feel, duration, and ability to reach orgasm. Urologists were more knowledgeable of these aspects than patients, suggesting these results may help improve preoperative counseling services.

While implants can provide effective treatment for erectile dysfunction, they may lead to loss of sensation in the penis which may cause discomfort during intercourse and necessitate discussing these concerns with your urologist before proceeding with surgery. Although rare, this risk should still be taken seriously.

Penile implants should never replace medication or vacuum devices as treatments for erectile dysfunction; rather, they should only be used alongside these solutions. Furthermore, implants can erode over time and pose health complications; to keep an inflatable or hydraulic implant functioning optimally proper hygiene practices must be observed so the device doesn’t leak air into your scrotum.

Opting for a surgeon who performs numerous implants will ensure that your procedure goes smoothly. Furthermore, setting an appointment with the urologist before surgery allows you to ask any pertinent questions and receive advice; during this visit, they will also explain how an implant works and answer any concerns that you might have.

Inability to achieve orgasm

Penile implants may provide effective relief from erectile dysfunction, but they won’t necessarily increase sexual desire and pleasure. Couples can sometimes face challenges after their partner undergoes the surgery, including reduced sensation and difficulty reaching orgasm. Through open dialogue, exploring alternative techniques, and seeking therapy services, couples may overcome such hurdles.

Adjusting to an implant may take some time, but most individuals who receive them report high satisfaction after healing from the procedure. If you want to get your partner excited for sex, try an inflatable implant – these allow for foreplay pumping as well as helping get an erection before penetration – more so than pills which often feel dry and unsatisfying.

One common concern of couples that undergo implant procedures is that their partner’s erections no longer appear as firm or full as before the procedure, which can reduce sexual pleasure and self-esteem. Men may also fear their appearance will change after implant surgery and reduce intimacy and sexual pleasure; to combat these concerns, education on implant durability, aesthetic concerns, and open dialogue should help minimize these feelings.

Penile implants not only reduce the sensation of an erection, but they can also cause men to experience decreased length as a result. Some men claim their penis has become shorter after receiving implants while some women find they become less attracted to partners after the procedure. Furthermore, infected or dislodged implants during sexual interaction may cause discomfort for both parties involved and lead to even further pain for themselves as a result.

Erectile dysfunction may be uncomfortable to discuss, yet it must be taken seriously. Luckily, effective treatments exist that can restore both confidence and sexual pleasure for men. Penile implants offer one such long-term solution to ED; they allow men to have orgasms that last as long as desired. To achieve the best results consult your urologist about which implant types may best meet your needs and which may provide longer orgasms than ever.

Loss of penis length

Patients who have undergone penile implant surgery frequently report feeling that surgery has reduced the size of their penis. This perception often stems from having implant cylinders that remain upright after rehabilitation; to counter this problem there are various solutions such as using a vacuum erection device regularly before and after undergoing the procedure and adhering to doctor recommendations for penile rehabilitation post-procedure.

Are you concerned about losing penile length after getting an implant? Speak to a urologist or doctor immediately; they can explain their options and guide the patient toward selecting their ideal choice. Most men should return to regular activities, including sexual activity, after 6 weeks.

During the initial recovery period, both penis and scrotum may become sore. To relieve pain, healthcare providers typically prescribe medication and provide ice packs for application directly to affected areas. They may also suggest elevating their groin with pillows. Once this initial phase of recovery has concluded, patients can begin exercising regularly and resuming normal activities.

Penile implant surgeries typically take one to two hours outpatient, with general or spinal anesthesia administered throughout. Your healthcare provider will monitor your condition and wait until you wake more fully before discharging you home after the operation; for your safety and to minimize pain post-procedure it would be prudent for someone else to transport you afterward as your groin and abdominal region are likely to feel sore afterward.

Penile implants consist of two cylinders connected by a pump and connected by a tube to a reservoir under lower abdominal muscles that contains fluid and expands when you pump it resulting in an erection. Keep in mind that implants do not last permanently and must be regularly refilled to create an erection; there are techniques to increase size, but most involve multiple surgeries that could prove risky or expensive.


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