Picking Up A School Beauty To Be Wife


Picking out a school beauty as one’s future wife is a common trope in romance novels and can provide an intriguing way to explore themes of love and relationships. But it’s important to keep in mind that love extends far beyond physical appearances alone.

This comic is both hilarious and moving; it will show you that beauty is more than skin deep.

1. Be patient

Becoming attracted and building a relationship with a school beauty can be challenging, so patience and understanding are crucial in order to develop lasting love that transcends physical appearances. Through genuine efforts and perseverance, a successful marriage may result.

One of the primary themes in this comic is beauty is not everything. While physical attractiveness is certainly essential, it is just as essential for young women to possess good manners, kind hearts, and positive personalities – something school beauty queens often struggle with due to pressure from boys for perfect bodies and attention from them. Luo Feng and Qing Xi both experience difficulties embracing each other for who they truly are as individuals before eventually learning to respect each other’s strengths as individuals.

Picking Up a School Beauty to Be Wife is an engaging comic that explores love and relationships through humorous yet heartwarming tales written by Iciyuan that will leave you feeling inspired and with plenty of laughs along the way! Available on Amazon or its official website.

2. Be honest

Honesty in relationships is of utmost importance. Being dishonest can cause irreparable damage and lead to trust issues. Being honest about oneself’s emotions also plays a key role; otherwise it becomes hard for one to open up about others without becoming untrusting of your emotions and being vulnerable in your relationships. Without being fully present within them and enjoying them to their fullest extent.

Honesty in relationships comes in many forms, but you must never lie or manipulate someone. Doing so could hurt them while creating an artificial bond with them; furthermore, lying can lead to jealousy and suspicion between partners – potentially endangering the entire relationship and possibly leading to its termination.

Finding love in high school can be difficult, but it is achievable through patience, honesty and genuine efforts. Remembering true love goes beyond appearances is also crucial – for an entertaining comic book that teaches about love pick up Iciyuan’s Picking Up A School Beauty To Be Wife as it will leave plenty of inspiring messages and is essential reading for fans of romance novels and manga alike!

3. Don’t judge

Though it can be tempting to romanticize school beauties, it’s important to remember that they’re still just people with their own problems and challenges just like everyone else. Remember that love goes beyond physical attraction; focus on creating a solid foundation for your relationship by cultivating it from its foundation up.

Keep in mind that school beauties face immense pressure to be perfect, leading to feelings of self-doubt and anxiety. If this is something that affects you, try focusing on what strengths you possess while appreciating all of the unique qualities.

Picking Up A Shool Beauty To Be Wife is an exceptional comic book that will teach you about love and relationships through humorous moments and heartwarming tales. As it’s currently ongoing, new chapters are regularly released for you to read along! Sure to become a hit among romantic readers everywhere!

4. Be flexible

When approaching school beautys, it’s essential to remain flexible. Whether your goal is winning her affection or showing appreciation, being open to changing goals and tactics as necessary will allow for stronger foundations for relationships to build upon and eventually lead to marriages of joy. Picking Up A School Beauty To Be Wife will take you on an entertaining journey with both hilarious and heartwarming moments as it provides plenty of guidance on relationships – it is a must read for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge on love and relationships!

5. Be open to communication

To successfully woo a school beauty, it is crucial that communication be open and honest between you both – this will allow for healthy relationships built on mutual respect and trust, with you listening carefully to her concerns and desires – this may allow for deeper bonds to form between both of you, potentially leading to more fulfilling marriages later. For an inspiring comic that teaches valuable lessons about love and relationships check out Iciyuan’s comic, Picking Up A School Beauty To Be Wife which features hilarious yet heartwarming moments sure to leave readers of all ages smiling as it’s sure to delight readers of all ages!