How to Create a Hummingbird and Butterfly Garden


Step into this aquarium’s tropical garden with flowers, trees, and butterflies! This exhibit educates visitors on their roles within nature while simultaneously encouraging environmental stewardship.

Look for local plants with blooms of various colors that attract different kinds of species; milkweed attracts monarch butterfly caterpillars exclusively.


Hummingbirds and butterflies can bring an added element of beauty and wonder to any garden, so to attract these winged visitors, it is necessary to provide nectar-rich tubular flowers that fit their long beaks perfectly, shelter, perching spots and places for caterpillars to form their chrysalides, perching areas for adults as well as water sources (which these winged beauties depend on for survival).

The Aquarium Butterfly & Hummingbird Garden can be found along Riverfront Parkway near the entrance to the aquarium and includes many flowers, trees, shrubs, herbs, and vines that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. The National Wildlife Federation has also recognized it as an approved Certified Wildlife Habitat.

When designing a butterfly and hummingbird garden, it’s essential to select plants native to your climate that will flourish with minimal care. Native species typically provide more nectar than hybrids or exotic varieties and will provide blooms throughout the season – giving butterflies and hummingbirds something exciting to anticipate all year. Additionally, plants blooming at various times will provide butterflies and hummingbirds with something exciting to expect all season long!

Not only should plants be selected carefully, but it’s important to limit or eliminate chemical fertilizers and pesticides in areas that butterflies and hummingbirds will visit, as this could weaken or even kill beneficial insects and pollinators. Mulching and composting help build healthy soils that attract butterflies and hummingbirds into gardens.

As part of planting your garden, enough space must be left between each plant for hummingbirds to find what they’re searching for quickly and easily. Furthermore, enough distance should be left between plants to allow adequate airflow and prevent fungal diseases from developing.

Verbena is an easy-care perennial that produces abundant blooms beloved by butterflies of all varieties. These vibrant orange, yellow, and pink flowers attract these winged beauties from spring until fall – perfect for warm zone gardens! Verbena also tolerates drought well, making it the ideal addition for warm-zone gardens.


Make time to visit Turtle Back Zoo’s Butterfly Garden in New Jersey if you’re nearby! This outdoor habitat boasts over 700 butterflies at various stages of their lives — eggs to caterpillars to chrysalises and butterflies themselves! There are garden walkways and seating areas, a peaceful pond with a bubbling fountain, and a charming gazebo to make this an enjoyable visit for families looking for relaxation, exploration, or Instagram-worthy photos; open now through Labor Day.

At Newfoundland Insectarium in Western Massachusetts is Magic Wings, an aquarium butterfly and hummingbird garden featuring exotic flowers and plants and an inviting waterfall setting. Visitors can walk through this immersive exhibit while learning about various butterfly species as they emerge from their chrysalises – perfect for all ages!

Aquarium Hummingbird and Butterfly Garden offers an immersive experience. A considerable conservatory filled with waterfalls, a water lily pool, exotic flowers, and butterflies is open so visitors can admire everything inside and outside simultaneously. As this popular attraction can quickly become crowded, buying timed entry tickets before arrival online can save time when purchasing tickets at the entrance gate.

Mark Landrum Children’s Butterfly Garden in New Jersey offers your kids an ideal environment for exploration and learning. As a certified wildlife habitat, its large garden includes plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds – two milkweed species are popular hosts for monarch butterflies, while herbs like dill and parsley attract swallowtails.

Honeysuckle and fennel plants attract hummingbirds. Furthermore, this garden boasts an aquatic feature housing fish and amphibians for added charm.

The entire garden is kept warm and humid to attract butterflies, with plants selected based on their ability to attract pollinators and plenty of water to drink from. In partnership with local farmers from Central and South America, the aquarium also raises butterflies used in its garden so people can get close-up views of these fascinating creatures while contributing to supporting their natural environments.


Provide food to attract hummingbirds and butterflies into your garden with small bird feeders and simple syrup made of sugar and water, or buy commercial nectar mixes suitable for consumption by these tiny animals. Many garden centers also sell unique feeders designed for them with long tubes that make reaching easier.

To attract butterflies to your garden, consider planting blooming flowers throughout the year that provide food sources for caterpillars of butterflies, such as pawpaw or milkweed plants that provide sustenance for caterpillars. When selecting plants to attract butterflies, be sure they are native or at least well-adapted to your locality or climate zone. When considering flower shapes (flat flowers for butterflies and tubular ones for hummingbirds). Additionally, sticky leafed plants and leafy ones like pawpaw and milkweed as food source provide good sources for caterpillars of these creatures!

An aquarium fish feeder allows you to provide regular meals for your aquatic friends even when away, making them invaluable tools for holidaymakers or busy aquarists who cannot always feed themselves. Search for one with programming capabilities; look for one with a straightforward extension for sitting-on-top use or bracket mounting options on either the side or bottom rim of the tank rim for optimal use.

The Eheim everyday fish feeder is one of the top aquarium fish feeders available, featuring an intuitive programmable feeding system, and is compatible with standard lamp timers for convenient operation. The setup is straightforward and works well with multiple aquarium sizes; its 2-year warranty provides peace of mind. Alternatively, Tetra acuFeeder features digital displays and can be set to feed four times per day; its clear lid allows users to monitor how much food is being provided when mounted onto tank rim or deck surfaces as also as being equipped with its built-in aerators to maintain freshness within its waterways.


For years, The Tennessee Aquarium’s enchanted garden has been home to thousands of butterflies; however, they have been absent for over 18 months due to supply chain disruptions. But don’t despair; there’s still plenty to see and do at Ocean Journey Habitat!

The garden is designed to promote butterfly conservation efforts by informing visitors of its importance and ways they can contribute. Furthermore, this space offers a relaxing setting where people of all ages can appreciate nature’s splendor as they enjoy its sounds and sights.

To create its hummingbird and butterfly garden, the aquarium utilized several aquatic plants, including hornworts and water lilies, to attract pollinators like hummingbirds and butterflies. Educational displays such as a birdhouse and children’s garden have also been added.

Selecting the appropriate lighting for a planted tank is crucial to its health and well-being both for plants and fish alike. Most aquarium lights use LED technology as it produce higher brightness at lower energy costs compared to fluorescent or compact fluorescent (CF) bulbs; many can even be dimmable, giving you control of light intensity. When starting with a planted aquarium, spring at its lowest brightness, gradually increasing it over time as you adjust. Too much light can encourage algae growth, so reducing brightness is an excellent way of mitigating this risk.

Before selecting an aquarium light, consider its size and how far its light will reach. Some aquarium lights feature limited illumination directly below them, while shop lights may offer more widespread coverage. If your tank is more significant than average, consider installing two aquarium lights or one with a wider light distribution to provide optimal illumination.

Many enthusiasts of planted aquariums favor lighting explicitly tailored for plants, often by choosing an LED light designed specifically for planted tanks like the Hygger Aquarium LED, which offers reasonable pricing and user-friendly app control settings. Another excellent choice is Fluval Plant 3.0 LED, which was made to cater to various tanks and plants by providing full customization via a mobile phone app and easy scheduling options.