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Fuente Fuente Opus X in Stock

Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars are highly-coveted premium cigars, often found only at select retailers worldwide. Produced in ultra-limited quantities and distributed only a few times annually to retailers around the globe, their famed craftsmanship ensures their popularity remains.

These cigars represent the pinnacle of perfection, representing over 100 years of mastery and tradition. As the inaugural actual Dominican puro cigar ever produced, they feature magnificent wrapper tobacco grown at Chateau de la Fuente estates – one of which is cultivated on this cigar!

Aged Dominican Tobacco

opus x stock cigars use aged tobacco that plays an essential part in how they taste and feel to smokers because the older it gets, the more flavorful its smoke becomes and the higher quality of smoke produced from it – this makes Opus x cigars one of the world’s most desirable tobacco offerings!

The opus x cigars are the signature line from Arturo Fuente’s family and were first released for public purchase in 1995. Their production was strictly limited; therefore, they quickly sold out on shelves everywhere and received numerous top ratings from industry professionals.

Opus X cigars are Dominican puros, handcrafted entirely by the Fuente family at Tabacalera Arturo Fuente in the Dominican Republic. Each Opus X is carefully handmade using an exclusive blend of aged Dominican filler and binder tobaccos from Tabacalera Arturo Fuente’s Chateau de la Fuente farm to form its Rosado wrapper known for its luxurious flavors, smooth textures, and exceptional aromas.

On the cold draw, Opus X in stock cigars produce heady aromas of cedar wood and coffee with cream; there’s even a faint hint of spice present at first. Once lit up and burning takes effect, fuller flavors such as caramel, various coffee flavors, old leather, and robust black pepper emerge, all working harmoniously to provide an exquisite smoking experience from beginning to end.

Opus x cigars have quickly become a top seller in the Dominican Republic thanks to the Fuente family’s unyielding dedication and passion for cigars. Each size offers its own distinct experience – each offering something different!

Exquisite Wrapper

Fuente’s Opus X line of cigars is revered worldwide. Boasting exquisite wrapper tobacco from Chateau de la Fuente farm, this highly sought-after Dominican puro cigar stands out as an outstanding example of smooth, bold flavors with impeccable construction – earning numerous publications top 10 cigar rankings and being treasured among cigar enthusiasts alike. Each label and Vitola option offers a distinct twist to its overall flavor theme.

Opus X Rosado Oscuro Oro was introduced as part of this limited-edition series in 2011. Crafted using exquisite rosado oscuro wrapper from Fuente Farm, tobaccos harvested during off-season harvesting allowed the development of complex yet mild flavors with a sweet lingering finish for maximum flavor development.

Cigar Aficionado reviewed this limited edition cigar with great praise, awarding it an impressive 91 rating. Reviewers particularly admired the way that the rosado oscuro tobacco delivered earthy and leather notes with subtle spices while simultaneously providing mouthfuls of creamy smooth flavors – an unrivaled balance between boldness and sweetness that cannot be found elsewhere on the market.

Fuente Opus X also periodically offers unique limited edition releases featuring rare wrapper tobacco blends such as sun-grown rosado, sundown header, and 858 rosado wrapper tobaccos – as well as special releases aged longer in French apple brandy (such as their FX 13 and SIglo releases).

Fuente Fuente Opus X Angel’s Share cigars are another of the rare special editions offered from time to time by Fuente Fuente. This version of Opus X features milder tobacco from middle priming rather than higher priming, as seen with other releases of Opus X, packaged in black boxes but distinguished with a gold ribbon at the band foot for identification purposes.

Exceptional Flavor

Opus x cigars are considered the pinnacle of excellence in the cigar world. Crafted with premium Dominican tobaccos and wrapped with flavorful wrappers for an outstanding smoking experience. Their medium-bodied strength can satisfy a range of palates, from novices to sophisticated enthusiasts, and their elegant construction and exquisite flavor speak to the Fuente family’s masterful craftsmanship.

The original Opus x cigar line has earned recognition from Cigar Aficionado on two separate occasions as Cigar of the Year and appeared in their top 25 list eight more times. Cigar enthusiasts should not overlook these limited-edition masterpieces: each one features an exclusive blend of aged Dominican tobacco hand-rolled by Tabacalera Arturo Fuente’s team of specialists before being wrapped with rare and high-grade wrapper leaves from Chateau de la Fuente farm owned by Fuente family.

Though many cigars experience significant flavor shifts as you transition from cold draw to ashtray, the Opus x cigar line remains true to its identity throughout the smoking experience. Sweet caramel and cedar aromas remain present while new notes often surface throughout the cigars’ journey from start to finish – an enjoyable sensory journey guaranteed!

With its distinctive shark-shaped silhouette, the Opus x Perfection 77 Shark cigar marries elegance with boldness for an incredible smoking experience. Boasting a ring gauge of 62 and a length of 140, it’s the perfect medium-body smoke with balanced flavor profiles. Crafted using premium tobaccos from the Dominican Republic for optimal flavor blending – every cigar enthusiast must try this exquisite cigar for themselves!

The Opus x angel share cigar is an exclusive limited-edition release by God of Fire/Prometheus designed to meet customers with milder tastes. Featuring lower priming wrapper leaves and milder flavors than its classic predecessor, the opus x Angel share can only be found in select humidors from God of Fire/Prometheus humidors; perfect for anyone who appreciates great cigars without taking up as much room in their humidor! An excellent choice for anyone wanting an exquisite Opus X experience but lacking time or space in which to age regular Opus X cigars can age them correctly over time!

Perfect Construction

Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars are among the rarest and most highly desired cigars on the market today, which makes them extremely desirable among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Due to limited distribution channels and retailers who can keep up with demand for them, when these gems do appear for sale, they tend to be very pricey when found.

Not only are Dominican cigars expensive, but they are of superior quality, too – with an aged and fermented process creating exceptionally smooth smoke full of rich tobacco flavors that are sure to please cigar enthusiasts who seek premium Dominican puros with complexity and delicacy.

Opus X cigars have been hand-rolled at Tabacalera Arturo Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic since 1995 and are widely regarded as some of the finest cigars ever. To maintain this renown, only premium-quality tobacco from the Chateau de la Fuente estate’s mineral-rich soils is used; then, using the Entubado method of hand rolling, it produces ideally even and flawless cigars.

Carlos Fuente personally oversees every stage of Opus X production, from selecting only top-quality tobacco to training his torpedoes on rolling Opus X cigars exclusively – even down to restricting each torcedor to just one size so they may become experts at rolling premium cigars with great precision and care. This attention to detail results in exquisite cigars packed with flavor, complexity, and power!

Fuente Fuente Opus X PerfecXion 8-8-8 boasts a creamy, buttery texture that’s also slightly nutty. Flavors begin slowly developing in the second third, finishing creamy with cedar notes. Pretzel flavors are present as well, although pepper notes remain relatively tame. As the smoke progresses, it becomes evident that this cigar needs time in a humidor, although it is almost perfect now.


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