American Century Mutual Funds


American Century Investments provides services to financial professionals, institutions, corporations, and individual investors through offices in New York; London; Hong Kong; Sydney, and Kansas City, Missouri. Their investment results remain their main priority while supporting groundbreaking medical research at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research.

American Century recently introduced Wall Street’s first actively managed, nontransparent exchange-traded funds. These ETFs are expected to attract the interest of mutual fund managers.

All Cap Growth Investor (TWGTX)

When it comes to investing, there are various choices available to you that could help bring you closer to achieving your financial goals. Joint investment vehicles include mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Each comes with features and fees, but both provide affordable ways of creating diversified portfolios.

Investment in mutual funds allows you to share ownership of multiple stocks and bonds with other investors. Each share represents a small piece of ownership of the entire fund; its value changes daily as buyers buy or sell shares on the market; net asset value (NAV) calculations take place once every trading day at the close, representing how much each share means and representing what value each transaction costs when purchased or sold.

American Century’s family of funds offers several target date portfolios designed to meet the needs of investors as they approach retirement. These portfolios will gradually move your portfolio from equity investments toward fixed-income ones as you come when you wish to start withdrawing money; however, their principal value cannot be guaranteed at any point during or post-target date withdrawal.

The All Cap Growth Investor fund’s management fee is 1.5 percent, which is relatively low among significant growth funds. Unfortunately, its active share is expected, which could hinder performance compared to comparable funds.

Loomis Sayles of American Century Investments manages the All Cap Growth Investor fund. Portfolio managers, on average, have 25 years of experience, while the All Cap Growth Composite fund was launched in 2010. Before then, experience at another firm had given these managers insight into managing long-term excess returns at or below benchmark risk while adhering to their investment style while limiting downside volatility.

Prominent Cap Growth Investor (TWCIX)

This fund invests in large-cap growth companies whose earnings and revenue are expanding at a rapid pace, using extensive in-house research. The fund managers utilize attractive valuations, strong management, conservative debt levels, free cash flow generation, and scalable business models as factors of consideration when selecting companies for inclusion. Furthermore, the fund seeks to diversify its portfolio through investments in foreign companies with strong growth potential.

This fund features an expense ratio of 1.3%. The minimum initial investments required to open an IRA/CESA or non-retirement account is $1,000 for both or $2,500 in both instances. However, these minimums may be waived with a $500 initial investment and automatic contributions of $100 monthly for twelve months. Furthermore, it charges a maximum front-end sales charge of 5.75% while yielding 1.79% as its total return over one year.

Various investment vehicles, including mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), are to consider. Each has its advantages and disadvantages; to make an informed choice, one must first understand each one’s purpose and strategy.

ETFs offer an efficient way of diversifying your portfolio without incurring the fees and complexity associated with individual stocks or bonds management. While ETFs offer low costs alternatives to mutual funds, there are certain aspects that you must be aware of before purchasing one.

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a basket of securities traded on public stock markets similar to mutual funds; however, ETFs offer lower fees since no manager is necessary to select and buy/sell stocks for investors – giving investors greater returns with reduced risk than via mutual funds.

Small Cap Growth Investor (TWGSX)

This Fund invests in equity securities of small domestic growth companies, with investments subject to decline due to activities by individual companies or market and economic conditions in general. Small and midsize company stocks tend to be more volatile and liquid than larger ones, thus increasing risks compared to more diversified funds.

Portfolio managers search for companies with the potential to grow faster than the overall market. When making investment decisions, portfolio managers consider factors such as business models, economic sensitivity, and differentiated product offerings when making their decisions. They also seek to reduce volatility by diversifying across industries and companies and investing up to 20% of total assets in non-U.S./emerging market securities (such as through sponsored American Depository Receipts).

Researching individual small-cap stocks can be time-consuming; therefore, many investors turn to mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track broad small-cap indexes or specific sectors within the small-cap market for investment purposes. Such funds often offer more liquidity than their counterparts, providing a simple means of diversifying portfolios without increasing risk exposure.

Thrivent’s experienced team of 125 investment professionals oversees the Small Cap Growth fund, emphasizing risk management and shareholder returns, placing particular importance on risk mitigation. Over 80% of this team have over ten years of experience, and most hold either the Chartered Financial Analyst designation or an advanced degree.

Thrivent Small Cap Growth Fund offers investors looking to allocate small-cap stocks to their portfolio a cost-effective, diversified option suitable for all investors. However, its investment goals may be more aggressive than traditional balanced mutual funds and may not suit everyone. Before purchasing stocks through this Fund, understand its fees and expenses before investing.

Total Return Investor (TWTIX)

Investments can help you achieve your financial goals. But first, it is essential to comprehend any new investments’ associated risks fully. To reduce these risks, diversifying your portfolio with stocks, bonds, and cash can protect principal while creating steady income streams; additionally, investing in alternative assets like precious metals, commodities, or infrastructure may increase returns even further.

Be mindful that investing in nontraditional assets comes with risks and limitations; for instance, nontraditional investments tend to provide lower historical returns than their more conventional counterparts and may have higher volatility and reduced liquidity than their more stable counterparts. Before adding nontraditional investments to your portfolio, be sure you understand their associated risks and have a plan in place for how you intend to utilize them over time.

Mutual funds provide an ideal investment vehicle for investors who do not wish to manage individual securities independently. These investment vehicles hold a basket of protection that can be traded on an exchange. Mutual funds are subject to federal and state securities regulations to protect your investments. You can access mutual funds either through your broker or at a bank branch, and various fund types with their objectives and features are available for selection.

Before investing in any fund, thoroughly review its investment objectives, features, and costs – this can be found in its prospectus or summary prospectus. Also, remember that different share classes have differing investment objectives and charges.

After considering a fund’s net asset value (NAV), take note of its annual operating expenses – these fees cover costs related to operating and maintaining its portfolio, deducted from your returns when it comes time for withdrawals. Furthermore, pay attention to any management fees charged upon the fund; usually, these are charged annually but may even be waived in certain instances.